I am Yeva. I was born in Russia in 1984 and since age 13 my destiny happened to be traveling around the world and living in different places for various reasons - from Israel to Turkey, from South Africa to Spain, from France to Italy, from USA to Tulum where I successfully developed my ethical clothing brand, cultivated the deepest and most loving relationships I have ever had with myself and others and learned how to enjoy life, truly.

The road here was rather curvy - I have been changing professions and marriages, denying my natural gifts and judging myself for lack of creativity. The inability to recognize my true gifts resulted in self-hatred and self-destructive behaviors - eating disorders, drug abuse, addiction to drama and negativity - all that “depth”. Moreover, the race after becoming a cooler musician, skinnier model, better wife and more popular designer appeared to be a never-ending one. And so in almost 33 years I have never got to meet my Perfect Self which would finally be worthy of my liking.

Growing with more despair after every trial and failure to deserve love through gaining external power, I finally gave up the idea of loving myself "then when" and got focused on my long-time interest: self-growth in alignment with my soul. 

 I have followed different teachers in various religious and non-religious ideologies, immersed in conventional psychology, Naturopathic, Chinese, Ayurvedic and sacred plant medicines, shamanism, Kabbalah, Sufism, Qi-Gong, Zen, Vedic, Buddhist, Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, Tantra, manual and crystal therapies, Western and Eastern Astrology, I-Ching and Feng-Shui, Human Design, Psych-K, Biohacking ... I kept on testing my states and the frequencies I have attracted to my life through different practices and through many ups and downs... facing my shadows and the "shadows on the path".. and when I finally met "a hostess of my mind", one thing was clear - everything I need was inside me all along. 

However, to peel the layers protecting my heart, to re-connect with my soul, to feel the sustainable high and drive for life, to find strength in vulnerability, to fall in love with my Authentic Self and everything and everyone around me, to feel the joy while performing the most mundane tasks, to forgive entirely and to have a light heart - took lots of experimenting, practicing, teaching and mastering of the most suitable tools for each condition and situation...  

then giving it all up in order to discern what is real and what is fantasy, to overcome the shame of spiritual ego, humble again, center back in myself, clean, simplify, understand, be, 


This path has no end, and its gifts are infinite.

I am here to pass them on and help you navigate your personal experience.